
AllemojinamesareofficialUnicodeCharacterDatabaseorCLDRnames.CodepointslistedarepartoftheUnicodeStandard.Additionalemojidescriptions ...,EmojiName:Upside-DownSmileyFaceEmojiMeaning:Asmilingfaceturnedupsidedown,indicatingplayfulnessoramixedemotionalstate.EmojiIcon:????Emoji ...,FullEmojiList,v15.1...ThischartprovidesalistoftheUnicodeemojicharactersandsequences,withimagesfromdifferentvendors,CLDR...

???? Emojipedia — ???? Home of Emoji Meanings ????????????????

All emoji names are official Unicode Character Database or CLDR names. Code points listed are part of the Unicode Standard. Additional emoji descriptions ...

People & Smiley Face Emoji Meanings

Emoji Name: Upside-Down Smiley Face Emoji Meaning: A smiling face turned upside down, indicating playfulness or a mixed emotional state. Emoji Icon: ???? Emoji ...

Full Emoji List, v15.1

Full Emoji List, v15.1 ... This chart provides a list of the Unicode emoji characters and sequences, with images from different vendors, CLDR name, date, source, ...

Emoji meanings

2023年11月28日 — Emoji. Emoji name. Meaning ; ????. Grinning. It conveys cheerfulness and joy towards something positive ; ????. Smiley. Smiley emoji denotes happiness ...

???? Emoji Meanings

Emojis are images or pictographs. Facial expressions and gestures are shown in the form of faces and people. Objects, food, activities, animals, plants, places ...

151 Emojis with their Meanings and how to Use them

2024年1月12日 — In the next section, we'll look at how to use all of these emojis. Emoji Faces & Smileys. Emoji Symbol, Emoji Name, Original Meaning. ???? ...

All Emojis

2021年9月27日 — Smiley Face Emojis ; ????, Smiling face with smiling eyes, U+1F604 ; ????, Beaming face with smiling eyes, U+1F601 ; ????, Smiling face with tears, U+ ...

The 150 Most Popular Emojis Explained

2023年7月27日 — Download the 150 Most Popular Emojis Explained Cheat Sheet. The 150 Most Popular Emojis and Their Meaning. Rank. Emoji. Unicode Name. Meaning. 1.

Types of Emojis, What do they mean & how to use ...

2024年1月29日 — An emoji is a pictogram, logogram, ideogram, or smiley embedded in the text and used in electronic messages and web pages.

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